Thursday, September 21, 2006

So, english exams are tomorrow.





Why do i not feel nervous? Why am i not panicking?

OMG this is seriously bad, like, damn.

HELLO?! It's the final paper!


Just looking at that word makes me feel sick. Finals.


I'm gg off to do chinese.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My aunt just came back from HK and there's presents!

Upload pictures tomorrow. Super lazy now. Need to go do some random math paper.

OH YA. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm happy. *smiles damn gleefully*

i'm sorry it has to be this way

Monday, September 18, 2006

I thought 3 was a crowd? What about seven? Go figure.

Guys from St. Andrews are so attention-seeking. They sing weird songs too. Like, "7 cedars sitting on the bus. 2 cedars getting down. now 5 blue cedars sitting on the bus"

It's so damn funny you can't help but to laugh.

The worse thing is they were sitting in the back row and i was sitting right in front of them. They wanted to pull my hair. OMG i was damn scared. They're rather stupid actually. If you wna pull a person's hair, you don't go, "eh, pull the hair", "you pull lah!", "haha, don't want la." (DAMN LOUDLY)


There was this stupid fat bus uncle in 812. He kept pressing his ass against my elbow. I felt so bloody fucking violated. Like, what if he's getting some perverse pleasure out of someone's elbow touching his behind, HUH?

Nehnehpok. So fat still want to squeeze into a small little hole. I WAS LEFT WITH A SPACE OF ABOUT 30cm BY 30cm!

Today was a cold and boring day.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Damn! I saw this OMG fucking gorgeous corset at Forever21.

Guess what? They didn't have my size! S was too small, couldn't buckle at the chest and rib area. L was too large, could slip two hands in.

And where is M? Residing in someone elses wardrobe! ):

This is so so unfair. The salesperson said the corset's been in for about three weeks already. I didn't have piano last week, so didn't go to orchard.

The week before, i didn't go to Forever21!

AHHHHH. This is so not fair. Why am i not thinner or fatter so i can fit into one of the sizes?! ): Irritating irritating pigs who bought the corset. Gah.

It's so WOW, ok! It's a midnight blue corset with spaghetti straps and vertical lines running down the sides and front. And the typical xxxxx kind of ribbons going down the back.

If i see anyone on the streets wearing that corset, i'll take my penknife out and slash her corset till it's a mere shadow of what it was previously.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm craving for something, yet i can't put my finger on it. Am i supposed to eat everything till i satisfy my craving?!


That would be terrible. It's like eating down a shopping mall.

Sushi? No.

Ice-cream? No.

Salad? No.

Chocolate? No.

Bubbletea? No.

OMG I SUDDENLY REALISED! I want instant noodles!

Just want something damn hot. Like, so hot it can scald your tongue. And something spicy. Yumyum :D

There's nothing to eat at all. Nothing! NOTHING! NOTHING!!


I still want to run.


Going for tuition soon. Hopefully someone will squabble with me. I like. So fun, especially if you win. Then you can give the person a triumphant look and flounce off. Ha!

Uneventful uneventful uneventful day.

Oh, had geog test. Like, woah. The ending part was so terribly messy, doubt Mrs. Loh can even read it. Her eyesight should be quite poor, ya?

Just remembered that my uncle once asked me to take up wakeboarding. Haha, damn cool. But i haven't got the moolah. Oh well.

It bloody rained again today. Dang. There goes my run. AND OMG SIYING HAS A JACK RUSSELL!

Shit unfair.

15 days to exams.

and you wonder why

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Thanks (: QiXuan and Eunice.

Went running! Ran like halfway and couldn't go on due to blisters. Drat. How annoying.

Mrs Tan was being damn scary today. It's like, 17 days to exams. Or is it, 17 days to the end of exams? What am i doing, blogging?!

I should be studying. Yeah. Like, now. Damnshitlazy.


Ok, dinner, shower, study. In whatever order i don't care.


i just love muscle aches
Thanks (: QiXuan and Eunice.

Went running! Ran like halfway and couldn't go on due to blisters. Drat. How annoying.

Mrs Tan was being damn scary today. It's like, 17 days to exams. Or is it, 17 days to the end of exams? What am i doing, blogging?!

I should be studying. Yeah. Like, now. Damnshitlazy.


Ok, dinner, shower, study. In whatever order i don't care.


i just love muscle aches

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

When you're in a bad mood, don't read blogs. Everything seems to be directed at you.

If you're here thinking you'll get to read a cheery and happy my-life-is-wonderful post, it'll do you good to get out now. Yeah.


I don't think i can even blog properly, knowing that people will read this.

Fuck, let's just keep this inside. Bottle it up. Yeah. (:

Monday, September 11, 2006

Have you ever felt that the whole world is dead and you're the only survivor? I felt it just now. On my way home. Maybe it was the surroundings.

The rain had just ended and it was pretty chilly out. Maybe it was because i was carrying a 9023498kg load bag and that made me feel sad. Maybe it was because of the wind. The wet ground. The fact that the playground was empty.

I think it was because my beautiful sunshine had gone to hide herself up. Come back soon, ok? I miss you.

It felt so tranquil. So peaceful. To the extent that it was scary. I was actually afraid to take the stairs because i was afraid i would never get out of there. It just felt so, scary. Seeing that stairway leading upwards, that was familiar to me. Not hearing the boisterous shouts of the oh-my-god-i-am-damn-cool basketballers wasn't.

Even when i saw people around me, i felt like they weren't actually there. I was hoping fervently for a noisy little kid to pop out of no where so that i would be cheered up. Or a kitten (:

Do you ever feel that, the thinner you get, the fatter you feel? Cause i felt like onefatfuck just now but when i got home and looked into the mirror, i saw that all was fine. I think it's the okonomiyaki. However it's spelt.

It's basically flour and eggs. Gross, i know. Tastes good though. With the sauces and what have you.

Qixuan told me that most of the time, anorexia doesn't happen on purpose. People out there who own blogs or xangas to write about what they ate, how fat they feel and how they wish they were thinner and stuff, i don't think they really are anorexic. You think it's damn cool to be anorexic? It isn't, ok? So stop it.

Anyway, she said that it usually starts out as an innocent skipping of meals. Like, your mom didn't cook and you're lazy to eat, so you don't. Then when you skip more meals, you kind of don't like eating and stuff. I can't remember her exact words but i know there was a part about not wanting to eat and not having the appetite even when you're hungry. Wanting to vomit when you see food.

I think i'm so dead.

Do you ever feel like vomiting after eating? Not on purpose. Just, you feel disgusted by the thought of what you have just eaten and you desperately want to get it out of your system. I do.

Do you feel happy when you don't eat? I do.

Do you feel like a fatfuck when you do eat? I do.

Do you not like eating because you think it destroys your record of not eating? I do.

Do you, do you, do you? I wouldn't know.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I spent eight hours in macs today, studying!

Ryan just called me a nerd. Thanks ah ryan! You hurt my tender nerdy heart! ): and he thinks i'm a boy. Like, SEXY.

You people kind of don't have to bother reading this again till after the exams. Cause i'm a no life nerd. Tomorrow i'm going to bishan library to study. I KNOW! HARDWORKING! LIKE, DAMN.

I take that back. Please read this, ya?

Someone buy me damn geeky glasses please? I will wear them and tie my hair into a weird ponytail and wear funny clothes and study damn hard. And you can pop by the library to laugh at me! :D


And i think you guys should love me too, because i am not a closet mugger. I post up my mugging plans for everyone to see so they can panic and start mugging too. 'Cause i love you guys so you should mug then we can go have fun after the fucking lovely exams!


I fear closet muggers.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

To a certain someone who doesn't read this: Stop calling me when you're feeling down or depressed, ok? I am not being cold-hearted. I just feel that you are only making use of me to solve your problems.

You don't even talk to me normally. It doesn't mean that because i solved your problems once, i will do it again. Heck, i didn't even know what i was talking about. Just spouting some counsellor-type of rubbish in the hope that i could make you feel better.

Stop calling me and telling me, "i'm depressed", "i'm drinking", "i cut myself last night", "i've problems with my stead", "i want to die". Stop acting noble and shit and asking me, "are you busy? if you are i won't trouble you". STOP IT, OK?

I am not a paid counsellor. I am not your diary. Do not use me to pour out your woes.

I wouldn't mind if you were a good friend of mine. But who are you to me? Just my primary school friend's ex-boyfriend! We've never even met before, alright?

I've had enough of your frequent calls. Don't call me anymore. I FUCKING AM NOT INTERESTED!
Love, Dionne (:
(this only applies to one person)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Fuck school, fuck homework, fuck studies, fuck closet muggers, fuck it.

Dear God, please help me. I pray that i can be a nerd who loves homework wholeheartedly and squeals with excitement at the thought of exams. I pray that i can be a cheena person who loves chinese homework such as ban yue ji, pray that i can enjoy school because I CAN LEARN EXCITING AND ENRICHING THINGS! Thank you Lord. (:

hello, i'm dionne's guest blogger of the day!

aren't you excited? yeah, i'm not as interesting as dionne here, who smells hats and then tell people it smells... hatty. woah.

okay, so today we went "studying". righttt. some fat ass moron abdullotif went to spoil my day. the stupid guy rang me up and then i screamed 'WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT' into the phone and i had those stupid arhhbEnngx` laughing at me.

whatever okay? at least i don't stoop so low to smoking marlboros, taking fugly twiiitiishx pictures in bad lighting to hide my fugliness, and then fight with people thinking i am damn garang and courageous when actually, i am a big fat ass coward.

oh ya, fishballs are so fun to watch. they go boing boing boing down the stairs. hahahaha. roll into a ball and flick it.

whatever that means.

ok i had enough of blogging already.



jolynn washh herre tuudaexx`
-dumpliingx lurbbezxz mo0nniex
Why do people think i'm weird when i say i like to know what people smell like?!

Don't you like knowing? When you are talking to people online, don't you want an image in your mind?! And isn't it better if you know what they're wearing and what they smell like so you can picture them?

Otherwise it's like talking to the laptop. That's such a waste of my time i might as well go talk to the wall. It's the same every holiday you know. I spend so much time alone at home, i get sick of home.

See, i don't like talking to people online and meeting them after that. It's like, i already have an impression of the person, and when i meet them for the first time, i have to adjust that impression and it's rather annoying.

What if i initially liked the person then decided i dislike him/her after meeting them?

I am not a superficial bitch ok. I mean, sometimes you just never expected the person to stink so much, or to sound so gross, or to be so weird.


Like, when i'm talking to my friends online and they make some kuku comment, i can picture their kuku expression to go along with that comment. I can picture them laughing. ISN'T THAT BETTER?

So, next time if i tell you, "smell yourself. what do you smell like?", please just do it to satisfy my curiousity. It feels so weird to be talking to some blank, smellless, emotionless, lookless, soundless.. THING.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Was i an uber cute child or what? Oh man, i think i was and still am damn cute. Call me egoistic, i don't really care, you know.

Ok i was somewhat silly. Started walking at 11 months and instead of learning it slowly, like, crawling, walking a few steps and stopping, my mom said i stood right up and started walking. Problem was, i didn't know how to stop. So i kept walking damn fast and walked straight into a wall and promptly stopped walking and started crying.

And the baby walker, i loved playing with that. So there was a balcony in our house and i was playing with the walker. The obvious thing that will happen next is that i fall over the ledge. And, duh, it happened.

Oh and i insisted tomato was matoto. A typical conversation between me and my mom would be something like this:

Dionne: See, matoto.
Mom: No, it's to-ma-to.
Dionne: Ma-to-to
Dionne: Matoto matoto matoto!

Guess who won? Me, duh.

Love, Dionne

Sunday, September 03, 2006


So, i sold tulips today, for tulip hearts day 2006. The tee shirt is extremely cute! And before you start saying, "i bet you only sold like, 3", I SOLD ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN TULIPS! At least ten people refused to take the tulips from me ok, so it should be a hundred and twenty-one! That's like, $142.

Dionne raised $42 for the Children's Cancer Foundation. YAY. Did you? NO!

This guy bought $50 worth of tulips from me! That's like, 25. So i approached this bunch of people, and they told me they already bought tulips at kallang. Then one of them told me to ask the guy who donated $50 previously.

Went up to him and did the stupid would you like to donate talk and started going, "please please please, please? please la, please please.." and his friends were like, "small girl, give lah"



What i realised is that the people you expect to donate, the people who are dressed very very nicely, they don't donate. The people you don't really expect to donate, they do. This just goes to show that you shouldn't judge people by the way they look.

So anyway, i wanted to say something but forgot about it totally cause i got distracted by this. Cedar's uniform is leading by about 400 votes currently. We're being voted for the coolest uniform!

That's like, so cool. Ahahaha.


I love you all and please buy tulips from me. i bought some extra home. People who were supposed to go support me and didn't, i'll make you buy. YAY.